The Mastery Series

If we’re serious about changing the lives of struggling readers, then as OG Practitioners we must be lifelong learners and develop a deep understanding of current research, best practices, and practical applications.

Join us every month (virtually) to learn from each other and create a true Orton Gillingham Community. Sign up for each Mastery Series topic below!

  • Book studies are held ONLINE on the 4th Thursday of the month, January through October, from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. CENTRAL. (No Mastery Series is presented in November or December)
  • There is no cost for The Mastery Series, but you must purchase your own books and materials, where applicable.
  • OGRS Professional Development hours are available for The Mastery Series.
  • View the course syllabus here.
  • Our next Mastery Series Book Study begins soon!
  • See a list of previously studied books here!
  • Please join us – register below!

Upcoming Events

Business or study using modern tech, computer and internet connection, virtual meeting event, online counselling, remote support concept. Young man wear headset sit at desk with laptop work from home

Starting September 2024

Why Johnny Can't Read and What You Can Do About It, 
by Rudolph Flesch

Dr. Flesch has visited classrooms, talked to students, teachers and parents, worked his way through a mountain of books and articles and examined study materials. “Johnny can't read”, Dr. Flesch concludes, "for the simple reason that nobody ever showed him how." The American System of teaching children to read was no longer the traditional alphabetic-phonetic method.

Why Johnny Can't Read contains complete material and instructions for teaching children to read at home. Here are step-by-step directions, simple phonetic drills, which can be used for beginners or youngsters whose reading ability hasn't kept pace with their development in other fields. Parents who apply these wise and proven methods can give their children invaluable aid. It has 74 pages of phonetic lists, 9 charts of block and script letters.

Starting in January 2025!

Why Johnny STILL Can't Read, a new look at the scandal of our schools,
by Rudolph Flesch

This is the follow-up book to the classic Johnny Can’t Read that we’ve been studying this fall and explores the question of literacy among American school children, arguing that the common look-and-say method of teaching reading is ineffective and advocating the traditional phonic system.

Why Johnny Still Can't Read lays out the continuing war between advocates of phonics and advocates of whole word reading. The book argues that educators continue to use disproven reading techniques, and that most parents are unaware that their children are not being taught phonics in school. 

The book is recommended for teachers, educators, parents, and anyone concerned about learning and literacy.

Starting in April 2025!

The Dyslexic Advantage, Unlocking the hidden potential of the dyslexic brain, by Brock Eide, MD, MA and Fernette Eide MD

An updated edition of Drs. Brock and Fernette Eide's popular dyslexia book with a wealth of new material and improved dyslexic-friendly font.  What if we viewed dyslexia as a learning and processing style rather than as a learning disorder?

Drs. Brock and Fernette Eide use their impressive backgrounds in neurology and education to debunk the standard deficit-based approach to dyslexia. People typically define "dyslexia" as a reading and spelling disorder. But through published research studies, clinical observations, and interviews with dyslexic individuals, the Eides prove that these challenges are not dyslexia's main features but are instead trade-offs resulting from an entirely different pattern of brain organization and information processing that has powerful advantages.